Oh, how there be mad characters on board the ride through consciousness…
We take ourselves way too seriously. Or since I can only speak for myself even though what I just said is applicable to the vast majority, Life can feel way too serious.
We’ve got war here, there, everywhere there’s war war plus turmoil and chaos in abundance and all aflutter, political factions at odds all across the world, not just in America.
To quote the modern poet philosopher Nelly:
Hot Sh!t!
It sure is a hot mess, pun intended since we’re all dealing with climate change and unprecedented heats.
With all that chaos unfolding, coupled alongside making a living within whatever economic growth stage, and subsequent strategies at play to manage that impact how we live, there is quite the array of happenings that we are forced to process with every waking moment
It’s alot and depending on what’s going on in day-to-day Life, it can feel overwhelming, and certainly induce fear, anxiousness, and more stress. From my experience, if it all starts to feel beyond control, the heaviness starts to feel stifling. Spend too much time there and things start to feel hopeless.
“I’ll never be able to X.”
“Maybe I don’t deserve Y.”
“Z’s probably just not possible for me.”
I’ve spent a good amount of time stuck in negative inner talk, I’ve also worked hard to observe and get out of it. When things are too heavy, it’s easy for that Heaviness in the Mix Soundtrack to play. The honest truth is that on some level of consciousness, that noise is always there.
We have to choose to change the focus of our conscious experience, which is much easier said than done.
Over the years, I have met the happiest of houseless people and the most miserable millionaires. It’s made me question what it actually means to have real wealth.
To quote my former boss and friend Andrew, “Sure I enjoy shiny things, but it’s not what matters.” I think that is one of the hugest differences between happiness and misery, it’s having a clear sense, a deep knowing of what does and what does not matter, which will arguably be very different for each of us.
When I think to one of the more famous prayers out there, the Serenity Prayer, I think of that last line:
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Time, change, loss, growth, all add up to help us recognize that difference, and hopefully, they also empower us to make the choice to choose to vibrate at a different frequency, who knows, perhaps by tuning into the DJ soul what - Love + Light Essentials.
I still struggle with inner speak every day. I forget all of these lessons, time and time again, and when I pause to see that pattern, I can only laugh, the same as I have before.
“Nothing matters.”
Is another phrase within that I often hear. Not from a space of hopelessness but more from a sense of having lived long enough to have a clearer sense of what has meaning to me.
That project that’s been stressing me out all year - and believe me - project should be plural is comical.
Dealing with everyone wanting more money out of me, whether due to inflation, covid, [who knows here], eh, I'll survive, and I’ll tell you what, at least I’m not scraping quarters to eat like I once did back in college (true story, looking through the car to see what we had to go get the hot dog/soda deal at Costco) living off of $500/month for the ‘paraprofessional’ work I did is ROFL or LMAO depending on the day and query. BTW - what does paraprofessional even mean, called it a paid internship if you don’t want to recognize the the 35-45/week we did and I’m looking at you UH Student Housing Services. ]
Probably the hugest joke of all is having not made it as an artist, which I perpetuate on myself.
I have never created to make it.
I create bc it’s another form of breathing that my Soul insists on taking. I’ve written long before substack, and shall continue on far beyond. The only difference is I’m seeking more laughter as I seek to understand the beauty all around.
And ultimately, I need it. IMO - we all need it. This heavy all too serious stuff is doing so much inner damage it’s no wonder so many are hyper-focused on the all the bullsh!t.
¡Ay, dios mío!
Just Live and Love Fully.
After all, this Life is temporary, my friends…